The MS Chorus - Central MS Honor Choir

The Mississippi Chorus is excited to announce its third annual Central MS Honor Choir Workshop.
This workshop is specifically designed to better prepare Mississippi choir students for successful Mississippi All-State Honor Choir auditions. We are pleased to include Junior High Students in this year's workshop! Students will spend the day rehearsing and performing the MS All-State audition repertoire, meeting fellow choral musicians from other schools, and making beautiful music. Rehearsals and sectionals will be separate, with individual clinicians dedicated to each group. All students will come together to end the one-day event with a free, joint concert for family, friends and community members.
Registration for the event will include access to a virtual intensive sight reading session that will be held outside of the workshop. More information to come on this exciting opportunity.
We trust that participating students will be able to record their All-State audition submission with a better knowledge and understanding of the required audition repertoire and sight reading procedures and expectations.
The event will be held at Mississippi College in Clinton this year and will also provide students a glimpse into the college experience that is available to them as singers.
A link to the itinerary, registration form and frequently asked questions will be sent early next week.
Feel free to share this information with other choral directors. This is open to public, private, and home schooled students.
MS ACDA Audition Repertoire and Rehearsal Tracks: http://www.msacda.org/all-state-choirs/
Cost for the event will be $30.00 per student.
Students must provide their own music.
Lunch is provided.
A Karaoke Contest will be held during lunch - and prizes will be awarded!
While registration may be open beyond August 12th, REGISTRATION MUST BE SUBMITTED BY AUGUST 12th TO GUARANTEE T-SHIRTS.
July 29th - Registration Link Made Available
August 12th - Registration Due
August 23rd - Workshop
August 23rd at 4:00pm - Workshop Concert
We gathered feedback from previous year's participating teachers and have made improvements to our workshop to better prepare students for success.
Only audition repertoire will be rehearsed and performed.
Sectional rehearsals will be utilized throughout the schedule to allow for better time management and part-focused rehearsal as needed.
We made this a one-day event.
We kept Karaoke!
Mississippi College singers will be on hand to participate with us.
We will again have exhibitors on hand to provide information about additional opportunities available to students.
Please consider bringing your students who are interested in auditioning for All-State. We would love to help them on their path to a successful All-State audition experience.
You can call 601-278-3351 if you have any questions. We'd love to speak with you about our workshop and hope to see you there!
Renee Murray
The Mississippi Chorus | mschorus.org
Post Office Box 13407
Jackson, MS 39236-3407